Executive Coach for Change Management

based in  Germany, working with international Clients

GM Training und Beratung UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Georg Müller, Diplom-Betriebswirt (FH)



GM Training und Beratung UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Roethelbachweg 47
96120 Bischberg
Landline: +49-951-51076495
Mobile: +49-171-330 12 12
Email: yq2nvriro6SjpK3kpayso6mviq2nsuSurw@nospam

Overview of my qualifications:

  • Experince in establishing an international Trade Company, main focus: consumer products
  • Search, selection and support of sales representatives in Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, and Italy
  • Conception and customer liasion of sales representatives in Germany
  • Experience in Barter-Business
  • Restructuring and optimization of current business transactions
  • Executive Coach for Change Management
  • Licence for LIFO® Coach (instrument for behavioural diagnosis)
  • Licence for DISG Coach (instrument for behavioural diagnosis)

Since 1990 I work as a Freelancer in the Education and training field in the European economy– main focus:

  • Training of soft skills

  • Consulting

  • Business process optimization

  • Organisational development

  • Change Management

  • Sales and distribution

  • Communication and presentation techniques

  • Industrial methods

Your advantage by using my core capabilities can be in following areas:

  • Change Management: how to establish new economic structures considering the senior management and the personnel
  • How to establish elements of a social market structure?
  • How can administration work more efficiently?
  • Training and education in general management and business administration
  • Knowledge transfer of economic general management and implementation
  • Innovation management
  • Moderation of strategic events, change events, etc.
  • Team development
  • Training of personnel who work in the education of employees
  • Senior management development

Here are some companies I have worked for:

  • Cartier
  • Colonia
  • Hapag Lloyd
  • Kaufhof
  • Mitsubishi
  • Pfizer
  • Telekom
  • T-systems
  • Umwelttechnik Bayernwerk AG
  • Whirlpool

Holiday Apartment Casa Bella | Lisa & Heinz Müller | Via Bigneras | CH-7153 Falera
Phone: +41 (0) 81 / 000 000 | E-mail: 6IGGjoeojo2agY2GxYuJm4nFio2EhInGi4A@nospam

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