Executive Coach for Change Management

based in  Germany, working with international Clients

GM Training und Beratung UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Georg Müller, Diplom-Betriebswirt (FH)


April 2017
Gallery taken offline.
new Homepage is in progress.

Sept. 2015
Seminars and Coachings in own rooms in Bischberg; Request or book now!

Shortly, new information on the work and successe with business-matrix-energy (BME) will be available, both at the personal and especially at the company level.

April 2012
updated the references

July 2009
added Link to Google maps Deutschland to Contact-Section.

Holiday Apartment Casa Bella | Lisa & Heinz Müller | Via Bigneras | CH-7153 Falera
Phone: +41 (0) 81 / 000 000 | E-mail: utPU3NX63N-I09-Ul9nbyduX2N-W1tuU2dI@nospam

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